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Converts the values stored in the Seurat/SingleCellExperiment dimensional reduction slot "CA" to a cacomp object. If recompute = TRUE additional parameters are recomputed from the saved values without rerunning SVD (need to specify assay to work).

as.cacomp.cacomp returns input without any calculations.

Recomputes missing values and returns cacomp object from a list. If you have a *complete* cacomp object in list form, use, obj).

as.cacomp.Seurat: Converts the values stored in the Seurat DimReduc slot "CA" to an cacomp object.

as.cacomp.SingleCellExperiment: Converts the values stored in the SingleCellExperiment reducedDim slot "CA" to a cacomp object.


as.cacomp(obj, ...)

# S4 method for cacomp
as.cacomp(obj, ...)

# S4 method for list
as.cacomp(obj, ..., mat = NULL)

# S4 method for Seurat
as.cacomp(obj, ..., assay = "RNA", slot = "counts")

# S4 method for SingleCellExperiment
as.cacomp(obj, ..., assay = "counts")



An object of class "Seurat" or "SingleCellExperiment" with a dim. reduction named "CA" saved. For obj "cacomp" input is returned.


Further arguments.


Original input matrix.


Character. The assay from which extract the count matrix, e.g. "RNA" for Seurat objects or "counts"/"logcounts" for SingleCellExperiments.


character. Slot of the Seurat assay to use. Default "counts".


A cacomp object.


By default extracts std_coords_cols, D, prin_coords_rows, top_rows and dims from obj and outputs a cacomp object. If recompute = TRUE the following are additionally recalculated (doesn't run SVD): U, V, std_coords_rows, row_masses, col_masses.


# lists #

# Simulate counts
cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
               x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))

# Run correspondence analysis
ca <- cacomp(obj = cnts, princ_coords = 3)
#> Warning: 
#> Parameter top is >nrow(obj) and therefore ignored.
ca_list <- as.list(ca)

# Only keep subset of elements for demonstration
ca_list <- ca_list[c("U", "std_coords_rows", "std_coords_cols")]

# convert (incomplete) list to cacomp object.
ca <- as.cacomp(ca_list, mat = cnts)
#> Calling cacomp to recompute from matrix.

# Seurat #

# Simulate counts
cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
               x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))

seu <- CreateSeuratObject(counts = cnts)
#> Warning: Feature names cannot have underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-')
#> Warning: Data is of class matrix. Coercing to dgCMatrix.
seu <- cacomp(seu, return_input = TRUE)
#> Warning: 
#> Parameter top is >nrow(obj) and therefore ignored.

ca <- as.cacomp(seu, assay = "RNA", slot = "counts")

# SingleCellExperiment #
#> Loading required package: SummarizedExperiment
#> Loading required package: MatrixGenerics
#> Loading required package: matrixStats
#> Attaching package: ‘matrixStats’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:Biobase’:
#>     anyMissing, rowMedians
#> Attaching package: ‘MatrixGenerics’
#> The following objects are masked from ‘package:matrixStats’:
#>     colAlls, colAnyNAs, colAnys, colAvgsPerRowSet, colCollapse,
#>     colCounts, colCummaxs, colCummins, colCumprods, colCumsums,
#>     colDiffs, colIQRDiffs, colIQRs, colLogSumExps, colMadDiffs,
#>     colMads, colMaxs, colMeans2, colMedians, colMins, colOrderStats,
#>     colProds, colQuantiles, colRanges, colRanks, colSdDiffs, colSds,
#>     colSums2, colTabulates, colVarDiffs, colVars, colWeightedMads,
#>     colWeightedMeans, colWeightedMedians, colWeightedSds,
#>     colWeightedVars, rowAlls, rowAnyNAs, rowAnys, rowAvgsPerColSet,
#>     rowCollapse, rowCounts, rowCummaxs, rowCummins, rowCumprods,
#>     rowCumsums, rowDiffs, rowIQRDiffs, rowIQRs, rowLogSumExps,
#>     rowMadDiffs, rowMads, rowMaxs, rowMeans2, rowMedians, rowMins,
#>     rowOrderStats, rowProds, rowQuantiles, rowRanges, rowRanks,
#>     rowSdDiffs, rowSds, rowSums2, rowTabulates, rowVarDiffs, rowVars,
#>     rowWeightedMads, rowWeightedMeans, rowWeightedMedians,
#>     rowWeightedSds, rowWeightedVars
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:Biobase’:
#>     rowMedians
#> Loading required package: GenomicRanges
#> Loading required package: GenomeInfoDb
#> Attaching package: ‘SummarizedExperiment’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:Seurat’:
#>     Assays
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:SeuratObject’:
#>     Assays

# Simulate counts
cnts <- mapply(function(x){rpois(n = 500, lambda = x)},
               x = sample(1:100, 50, replace = TRUE))
rownames(cnts) <- paste0("gene_", 1:nrow(cnts))
colnames(cnts) <- paste0("cell_", 1:ncol(cnts))

sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays=list(counts=cnts))
sce <- cacomp(sce, return_input = TRUE)

ca <- as.cacomp(sce, assay = "counts")